
2019 Holiday Shopping Survey

3:11 PM

Posted by: John S Kiernan

WalletHub conducted a nationally representative survey of American consumers to see what people are planning to buy this holiday season, how much they’re going to spend, debt and more. You can find the results in the following infographic.

Embed on your website<a href="https://ift.tt/2MSj70t"> <img src="//d2e70e9yced57e.cloudfront.net/wallethub/posts/68619/2019-holiday-shopping-survey-v5.png" width="" height="" alt="" /> </a> <div style="width:px;font-size:12px;color:#888;">Source: <a href="https://ift.tt/2NMQ6zp>

Ask the Experts

For advice and insight, we asked a panel of experts to share their thoughts on the following key questions:

  1. 6 in 10 people say they’re better off financially than last year - is that higher or lower than you would have thought, and what do you think it will be next year?
  2. Why do you think only 1 in 6 people plan to apply for a new credit card for holiday shopping? Is everyone else missing out?
  3. 60% of people say they’ll pay for their holiday purchases in full by the due date - do you think the real figure will be that high?
  4. Do you agree with the 51% of people who say Black Friday deals are nothing special?
< > More Experts Full Details Overall
How will your holiday spending in 2019 compare to 2018?
Spend the same 56%
Spend less 27%
Spend more 17%
Does your money management from the past year deserve a gift or a lump of coal?
Gift 72%
Lump of coal 28%
How long will it take you to pay off your holiday-related credit card balance(s)?
I will pay my balance(s) in full by the due date(s). 58%
I will still have a holiday-related credit card balance after January. 23%
My holiday balance(s) will be paid off by New Year’s day. 19%
Are Black Friday deals anything special compared to deals throughout the rest of the year?
No 52%
Yes 48%
What type of present do you want most this holiday season?
Gift card 32%
Electronics (e.g. computer or cell phone) 30%
Clothes 15%
Books / eBooks 8%
Furniture / Appliances 7%
Jewelry 5%
Toys 3%
Which of the following would you pay extra for this holiday season? (select all that apply)
Peace and quiet 49%
Faster delivery 32%
No Trump tweets 30%
Friendly customer service 26%
Gift wrapping 18%
More Trump tweets 6%
Is Santa more or less generous now than he was when you were young?
Less generous now 36%
More generous now 35%
Same level of generosity 29%
Do last-minute holiday shoppers buy bad gifts?
No 54%
Yes 46%
Do you still have debt from last holiday season?
No 86%
Yes 14%

Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.

from Wallet HubWallet Hub

via Finance Xpress

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